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Shooting the Rapids ( White water torpedo ride) : Samar Island National Park, Paranas, Samar

Last Saturday evening I received an unexpected call from one of Gwapo Gangs ring leader, Joseph. He invited me to join them on a white water rafting trip in Samar. White water rafting and Samar made me want to scream YESSSS!!!! Nobody can stop me from joining them since my pocket was lined thick with money from my recent raket!

Call time was 7am the next morning, Sunday. Good thing I texted Ricart for more info. He told me that the meeting place is McDo at 8am. I was at the meeting place at 8am and no familiar shadow can be found. Typical Filipino time. This is why I hate being a nurse. My training has taught me to be always 15 minutes early. I should have known that I was going out with the guys-Ricart, Roy and Joseph and none of them knows what a watch is. We left for Samar at 10am. So many precious hours wasted. I could have studied Neuroanatomy!

The trip from Tacloban to Paranas, Samar is nearly two hours. The roads were all winding that I was thankful that I traveled on an empty stomach. I could have vomited right there and then and ruin the whole trip. It was a relief to have finally arrived at Samar Island Natural Park. The fresh air and lush mountains stirred in me deep seated emotions and memories. It reminded me of the forests in Cebu where I used to camp as a Girl Scout and the beautiful rivers of Subic Bay.

Shodia our official photographer and Ricart my side kick
Volting in! I need my floaters!
I was expecting to ride big orange rubber boats. I was surprised to see slim motor powered wooden boats instead. The locals call these boats torpedos. No they don't go under water but they are very powerful that they can even go against the rapids and elevations.We traveled for an hour to and fro the river on these boats.

from www.callezaragosa.com/gerryruizphotoblog
Since it was a Sunday, I thought that it would just be the seven of us cavorting on Paranas shores. A nationwide convention of the Department of Tourism was also present so there was a crowd.

Despite warnings from Leo James Clerk of Court uncle about us entering an "NPA infested" area we still chased our adrenalin rush. I don't care about the NPA's. The locals were friendly and the guides were more than happy to oblige our requests and whimsies.

While we were cruising down the river, Ricart and I can't help pointing out the different colored birds we saw along the way. It was only later while we were changing that I chanced upon a board with the different species of birds available in the area. There were also great photos of Samar National Natural Park in Gerry Ruiz's photoblog.
purple throated sun bird from www. callezaragosa.com/gerryruizphotoblog/tag/samar-island-natural-park/
At the end of the boat ride, we found this rock which was a perfect dive point.

I was a sissy for my first job so I brought Jomar the guide with me plus the rubber tubing! It was a good thing was wearing contact lenses. Had I been wearing glasses I wouldn't have experienced such freedom of movements.

 Here's the Motley Crew who acted on an impulsive idea- Roy, me, Shodia, Joseph, Ricart, Lyn Beth and Jepoy.

The three gutsy gals who had the balls to get a free foot massage from natural rock formations and a back rub from the rivers rapids.

 Hi ho hi ho and back to Tacloban we go. Fully energized, pumped up and rearing for a new week. Next adventure is Agas-agas with the Twins.


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